Our Story
It all started with the Ol' Man.
Dad took his 3 boys fishing, he taught his boys to fish and made memories that I will forever cherish. Growing up 50 miles from 4 lakes: Dale Hollow, Center Hill, Cordell Hull and Watts Bar on the Tennessee River, along with being within 2 miles of Clear creek, a tributary of the Emory River, we fished for anything that would bite. Raised by a single father for most of my childhood, we fished to eat.... and eat we did. From catching white bass and stripers on the river, to chasing those world class Dale Hollow smallies. I, being the oldest of the 3 boys, was forever looking for a way to trick the next bite out of a fish so I could one up the younger two brothers and occasionally the ol' man. My affinity for tackle making was born.
Dad is old school. He loves his bucktail jigs. We've caught crappie,all flavors of bass and even a few ol' Rockfish on them. That is what really plunged us into the bait making business. Dad wouldn't fish a tournament without his trusty black and blue hair jigs.... That was the go to when it was slow on those bluebird sky days.
So with that, we ensure the fisherman that we make every piece of tackle to the highest standards and with passion. We really do fish these baits ourselves and want to carry on the tradition of hand-tied lures.